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Types of Architectural Drawings

Planning to build your dream home? A load of architectural drawings might be needed to submit for your building permit. Here is a quick guide on the different types of architectural drawings, which will help you know what type of plans are needed for your project and what information needs to be included in each drawing.

architectual drawings

What are architectural drawings?

Architectural drawings are usually drawn to scale and include views from all four sides of the building and a floor plan. They may also include sections and elevations. These drawings provide a complete representation of the building and are typically used by architects and engineers during the design process.

In order to illustrate the spatial relationships between a building's components, architects use two-dimensional drawings called architectural drawings. You can use them to show builders and other people how a room is supposed to look, or just to learn more about the connections between different parts of a design.

There are several types of architectural drawings, each with its purpose. Floor plans show the layout of a space and the location of walls, doors, and windows. Elevations show the front, back, and sides of a building. Sections show how space is divided vertically and include information on ceiling heights and floor levels. Details provide more information on specific elements within a space.

Understanding these different types of architectural drawings is essential for anyone who wants to create or interpret them.

Floor Plans

A floor plan is a drawing that shows the layout of a room or building from above. Floor plans are essential when designing and building a home or office. They help to visualize how the space will be used and how the furniture will be arranged.

There are many different types of floor plans. Some are very simple, while others are more complex. The most important thing to remember when creating a floor plan is to make sure that it is accurate and to scale.

When planning to build a new home or office, the first step is creating a floor plan. A floor plan is an important tool that will help you determine the size and layout of your new space.

Thee are a few things to keep in mind when creating your floor plan. First, you need to decide what type of space you need. Do you need a large open area or several smaller rooms? Second, you need to think about how you will use the space. Will you be using it for work or for leisure? Finally, you need to consider the flow of traffic through the space. How will people move from one room to another?

Once you have considered these factors, you can begin to sketch out a rough floor plan. You can use graph paper to help with the sizing and placement of rooms.


When it comes to creating architectural drawings, one of the most important aspects is understanding elevation. Elevation is a view of a building from one side, and it provides critical information about the dimensions and proportions of the structure.

There are two types of elevations: interior and exterior. Interior elevations show the finishes and details of the space, while exterior elevations show the building's facade. Both types of elevations are essential in the design process.

Elevations are typically drawn to scale, which means that they accurately represent the proportionate sizes of the various elements in the drawing. This is important when it comes to construction, as it ensures that everything will fit together correctly.

Understanding elevation is key to creating successful architectural drawings.


While most people focus on the aesthetic value of architectural drawings, it's important to remember that they also serve a functional purpose. Namely, they help architects and engineers to communicate their ideas clearly and concisely.

There are three main types of sections in architectural drawings: floor plans, elevations, and sections. Floor plans show a building's layout from above, while elevations depict its exterior walls. Sections provide a more detailed view of the interior or exterior of a structure.

Each type of section has its own purpose and benefits. Floor plans, for example, are essential for understanding how a space will be used and flow together. Elevations give an idea of a building's proportions and how it will look from different angles. Sections provide vital information about the materials used in construction and the relationships between different parts of the structure.

Perspective Drawings

Perspective drawings are a type of architectural drawing that shows how a building will look from different vantage points. They are often used to give potential buyers or renters an idea of what the property will look like from the outside. 

Perspective drawings can be created by hand or with computer software. If done by hand, the artist first draws a horizon line and then uses vanishing points to create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface. With computer software, the process is similar, but the software does most of the work for you. 

Either way, perspective drawings are a necessary part of the architectural process, helping to give everyone involved in a project a clear understanding of what the final product will look like.

Other types of architectural drawings

In addition to floor plans, elevations, and sections, there are a few other types of architectural drawings that are worth mentioning.

First, isometric drawings are often used to give a three-dimensional (3D) representation of an object or space. This can be helpful when trying to visualize something that will be built in the future.

Second, axonometric drawings are another type of 3D drawing. However, unlike isometric drawings, they do not use parallel lines. This can make them appear more realistic than isometric drawings.

Finally, detailed drawings are usually used for specific parts of a project. For example, if an architect is working on the design of a door handle, they would create a detailed drawing that shows all the different parts of the handle and how they fit together.


Floor plans, elevations, sections, and perspectives are the four primary categories of drawings used in the architectural design process. The architect's vision must be communicated to the rest of the team through these drawings, which play an essential role in the design process. If we did not have these drawings, it would be very difficult to construct a building that satisfies all of the requirements that the customer has specified.

Types of Architectural Drawings Types of Architectural Drawings Reviewed by Drafting and Design on August 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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